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Symptoms & Signs common to loganiaceae in general
  • ailments from grief (silent), sorrow, deception
  • mental exertion agg.
  • sun exposure to agg., esp headache
  • extremeties jerk on falling asleep
  • sleepiness while sitting
  • rush or flow of thoughts with sleeplessness
  • pain in small spots
  • pain or stiffness of eyeballs
  • catarrh - fever, cough with cold, hoarseness, frontal sinusitis
  • coryza with chilliness
  • generalities, knotted sensation or ball internally
  • tobacco < toothache, headache
  • wakes up feeling stupefied or tired
  • blindness or visual complaints, precede or attend headache
  • face and teeth pains > lying
  • delusion she will become insane
  • fever - with shivering, weakness, dreams during heat, < forenoon
  • tongue, prickling
  • mouth dry with thirstlessness
  • head drawn backward
  • knee pain, feels dislocated
  • scalp sensitive to touch
  • stammering
  • throat pain, stitching extending to ear on swallowing
Specific features of ign not prominent in other loganiaceae
  • contradictory and alternating states
  • irritability from least contradiction
  • weeping or laughing involuntarily
  • sighing with emptiness in stomach
  • desire to breath deeply
  • averse to fruits
  • ailments from disappoineed love
  • ailments from sympathy
  • change of position amel.
  • bites cheek or tongue involuntarily
  • brooding over imaginary troubles
  • dancing amel.
  • delusions he is ruined
  • insanity with profuse menses
  • mildness, quick to perceive, rapid in execution
  • prostration of mind from long grief
  • one-sided headache with chilliness
  • cough - from throatpit
  • irritation in air passages increases the more one coughs
  • piles > walking
  • rectum, sharp pain extending to upward
  • urticaria during fever
  • stomach, emptiness, weak feeling, faintness, goneness, hungry feeling with sighing
  • throat pain stitching when not swallowing
Specific features of gels not prominent in other loganiaceae
  • ailments from anticipation, foreboding, presentiment stage-fright, singers and speakers, in
  • timidity about appearing in public
  • anticipation of any unusual ordeal or engagement <
  • diarrhea from exciting
  • trembling in whole body
  • weakness, prostration from heat of sun or summer
  • worse descending or downward motion
  • children hold on to mother or nurse when carried, fear falling
  • chill extending back up and down
  • pain in neck, extending all over head
  • headache - with freq urination, cold feet, cold sweat, with pain in neck
  • fears heart will stop beating unless constantly on the move
  • chilliness from fear
  • weak, heavy, tired lower limbs following exertion
  • coryza with pain in extremities, weariness
  • eyelids heavy, must raise them with fingers, difficult to keep open
  • fever, forenoon ten am.
  • hot bathing, washing agg.
  • head congestion from suppressed menses
  • confusion as to his identity, sensation of duality
  • speech difficult from heaviness of tongue
  • vision, accommodation slow
Specific features of nux-v not prominent in other loganiaceae
  • complaints from a night of revelling
  • sedentary habits agg.
  • complaints from getting feet wet
  • abuse of medicaments
  • warm drinks amel.
  • obstinate, headstrong, resists wishes of others
  • a/f anger, vexation violence, with
  • a/f scorn, being scorned
  • anxiety preventing breathing
  • confusion from alcoholic drinks
  • dreams - anxious, of fatal accidents, of animals etc
  • ideas abundant, clearness of mind, evening in bed
  • irritability when questioned
  • mind, eating after <
  • sensitive to noises
  • suicidal disposition but lacks courage
  • talking of others <
  • cannot look at wounds, blood etc
  • delusions, people carry on all sort of pranks with them
  • piles with irritability
  • diarrhea after a debauch
  • rectum urging, from cramping in stomach
Specific features of spig not prominent in other loganiaceae
  • inflammation of the heart - pericardium, endocardium
  • pain in the heart < lying on left side, can lie only on right or with head high
  • stitching in heart - < motion, synchronous with beat of heart, < during motion
  • palpitation - audible, visible, < motion or exertion, < bending forward, or deep inspiration
  • fluttering, flapping sounds in ears
  • eye pain, stitching, radiating from the eyes, or going inward, backward etc
  • eye pain extending to frontal sinuses
  • eye pain < turning sideways
  • face pain - daytime, from jaw to ear
  • pulse fast in the evening, slow in the morning
  • general, worse on first sitting down
  • headache, frontal - < jar, stool, as if brain loose
  • anxiety from pains and stitches in heart
  • fear pins, pointed, sharp things, steel points directed toward her
  • vesicles on tongue, burning
  • respiration difficult < raising arms
  • vertigo < using eyes - looking down, or to sides, turning eyes or looking steadily
common features of loganiaceae
  • ailments from grief (silent), sorrow, deception
  • mental exertion agg.
  • sun exposure to agg., esp headache
  • extremeties jerk on falling asleep
  • sleepiness while sitting
  • rush or flow of thoughts with sleeplessness
  • pain in small spots
  • pain or stiffness of eyeballs
  • catarrh - fever, cough with cold, hoarseness, frontal sinusitis
  • coryza with chilliness
  • generalities, knotted sensation or ball internally
  • tobacco < toothache, headache
  • wakes up feeling stupefied or tired
  • blindness or visual complaints, precede or attend headache
  • face and teeth pains > lying
  • delusion she will become insane
  • fever - with shivering, weakness, dreams during heat, < forenoon
  • tongue, prickling
  • mouth dry with thirstlessness
  • head drawn backward
  • knee pain, feels dislocated
  • scalp sensitive to touch
  • stammering
  • throat pain, stitching extending to ear on swallowing
  • contradictory and alternating states
  • irritability from least contradiction
  • weeping or laughing involuntarily
  • sighing with emptiness in stomach
  • desire to breath deeply
  • averse to fruits
  • ailments from disappoineed love
  • ailments from sympathy
  • change of position amel.
  • bites cheek or tongue involuntarily
  • brooding over imaginary troubles
  • dancing amel.
  • delusions he is ruined
  • insanity with profuse menses
  • mildness, quick to perceive, rapid in execution
  • prostration of mind from long grief
  • one-sided headache with chilliness
  • cough - from throatpit
  • irritation in air passages increases the more one coughs
  • piles > walking
  • rectum, sharp pain extending to upward
  • urticaria during fever
  • stomach, emptiness, weak feeling, faintness, goneness, hungry feeling with sighing
  • throat pain stitching when not swallowing
  • ailments from anticipation, foreboding, presentiment stage-fright, singers and speakers, in
  • timidity about appearing in public
  • anticipation of any unusual ordeal or engagement <
  • diarrhea from exciting
  • trembling in whole body
  • weakness, prostration from heat of sun or summer
  • worse descending or downward motion
  • children hold on to mother or nurse when carried, fear falling
  • chill extending back up and down
  • pain in neck, extending all over head
  • headache - with freq urination, cold feet, cold sweat, with pain in neck
  • fears heart will stop beating unless constantly on the move
  • chilliness from fear
  • weak, heavy, tired lower limbs following exertion
  • coryza with pain in extremities, weariness
  • eyelids heavy, must raise them with fingers, difficult to keep open
  • fever, forenoon ten am.
  • hot bathing, washing agg.
  • head congestion from suppressed menses
  • confusion as to his identity, sensation of duality
  • speech difficult from heaviness of tongue
  • vision, accommodation slow
  • complaints from a night of revelling
  • sedentary habits agg.
  • complaints from getting feet wet
  • abuse of medicaments
  • warm drinks amel.
  • obstinate, headstrong, resists wishes of others
  • a/f anger, vexation violence, with
  • a/f scorn, being scorned
  • anxiety preventing breathing
  • confusion from alcoholic drinks
  • dreams - anxious, of fatal accidents, of animals etc
  • ideas abundant, clearness of mind, evening in bed
  • irritability when questioned
  • mind, eating after <
  • sensitive to noises
  • suicidal disposition but lacks courage
  • talking of others <
  • cannot look at wounds, blood etc
  • delusions, people carry on all sort of pranks with them
  • piles with irritability
  • diarrhea after a debauch
  • rectum urging, from cramping in stomach
  • inflammation of the heart - pericardium, endocardium
  • pain in the heart < lying on left side, can lie only on right or with head high
  • stitching in heart - < motion, synchronous with beat of heart, < during motion
  • palpitation - audible, visible, < motion or exertion, < bending forward, or deep inspiration
  • fluttering, flapping sounds in ears
  • eye pain, stitching, radiating from the eyes, or going inward, backward etc
  • eye pain extending to frontal sinuses
  • eye pain < turning sideways
  • face pain - daytime, from jaw to ear
  • pulse fast in the evening, slow in the morning
  • general, worse on first sitting down
  • headache, frontal - < jar, stool, as if brain loose
  • anxiety from pains and stitches in heart
  • fear pins, pointed, sharp things, steel points directed toward her
  • vesicles on tongue, burning
  • respiration difficult < raising arms
  • vertigo < using eyes - looking down, or to sides, turning eyes or looking steadily