What's New?

Keep updated on what's new:

24/Jul/2023: Updated to new versions of Drug Relationships, Therapeutic Notes, Word Flip, and What's New.

08/Jul/2023: Updated to new versions of UniqSort, DFind, and Drug Statistics. The Family Analysis data has been updated & Liliaceae has been added.

23/Jun/2023: Updated to new versions of Quiz and Family Analysis.

12/Jun/2023: Updated to new versions of PhaseRep, Quick Ref MM, Beagle, Articles, and Intake Forms & Websites. Significant improvements to the interface of PhaseRep for mobile users.

03/May/2023: Updated to new versions of MedInfo, Case Taking, and Drug Pictures & Cases. Lot's more data additions to Distinctions.

22/Apr/2023: Updated to new versions of Distinctions, Keynote Search and Therapeutics Search. There are a large number of data additions to Distinctions.

17/Apr/2023: We have started updating the site with a more modern framework, resulting in significant speed improvements. Using the website on the phone is now easier, with an updated interface. The updates are being made section-wise, and so far Repertorization, KentRep Search, Boericke MM, Confirm Drug, KentRep Comparisons & Keynote Comparisons have been completed. As a result, there may some differences in the appearance of some sections. In addition to interface changes, there are new features being added to the Repertory analysis, and a huge number of data additions - rubrics, keynotes, comparisons etc.

05/Nov/2022: HQz our Quiz app, and the "Quiz" section of the website have been significantly modified & updated.

07/Oct/2022: Over the past eight months several additions have been made to the Repertory in terms of new drugs, drugs added to existing rubrics, and hundreds of new rubrics, representing a significant upgrade of HRep, and the "Repertorization" section of the website.

11/Sep/2021: "Confirm Drug" is a new section. The idea is simple - once you have repertorized and selected a remedy, you want to be sure it is the correct one. So you ask questions and look for signs that show a good match. For example, let us suppose the case works out to coffea. How do we confirm it? Most of us know mainly about the sleep disturbances. What else can we ask, or look for? This is easy for some remedies like ars alb. In ars, we may confirm that the patient is very fastidious, has periodic complaints, does not easily trust people, is very careful about health. We could also look for corrugated nails, blackishness of lips or skin anywhere, silvery coating on tongue and so on. To search in the materia medica through the different sections - head, eye, ear, nose, face, generalities, extremities - esp. after case-taking, analysis and repertorization - is a slow process. Here is where this new program comes in: there are a set of questions to ask and observations to confirm a remedy - which, if not present, mean the prescription is not very certain.
More drugs will be added over time to this section... It is work in progress.

24/Mar/2021: There are two new programs: "Boericke MM", a simple materia medica lookup using Boericke's Materia Medica as well as Clarke's Clinical Indications; and "Repertorization (Kent)", a classical repertorization based on Kent's Repertory, with some enhancements.

01/Mar/2021: HRep is our fourth Homeopathy App, available on the Google Play store. It is based on Kent's Repertory, with several additions, and has a powerful search and Repertorization with unique rules. It also includes Boericke's Materia Medica and Kent's Repertory reversed. Please see the help file (which includes help videos) for more details. HRep is completely free, with no ads or restrictions, and needs no Internet connection once installed.
Of our other apps, HQz has been integrated into PQRS, and hence will no longer be developed.

01/Jan/2021: There is a new study tool - Word Flip - that is meant to help memorize keynotes of the Materia Medica. We have used Allen's Keynotes, Guernsey's Keynotes, Boericke Materia Medica, and Boger's Synoptic key to study/present some lesser used remedies. More remedies will be added over time. This program complements the quiz programs, and is thus placed under the Quiz in the Materia Medica section. See the FAQ for usage.

31/Mar/2020: There is a dedicated section on the Corona Virus / COVID-19 Pandemic. This includes YouTube videos of patients experiences and doctors advice. This is work in progress. Please share your links too.

18/Mar/2020: There is a new article "A remedy suggestion for the Corona Virus (Covid-19) Pandemic", that may provide some food for thought.
In the Therapeutics section, we have added "DFind", a new way of searching for a remedy in a specific clinical complaint such as cough, fever etc.

14/Dec/2019: A new app PQRS is available on Google Play store. It supersedes our previous HQz app. It consists of General and Regional Quizzes - such as Cough, Fever, Allen's Keynotes etc. There is a special quiz on children. A Study/Revise quiz provides a new interesting way of learning, where you are given "Chel + Liver" and you have to select the specific action of Chelidonium on the liver. All the quizzes offer multiple likely choices, and display the correct answer at the end. You can further see your mistakes, and learn the correct keynote-drug combination.

29/Oct/2019: Added a new section called "Family Analysis" where we present an analysis of families/groups. This is work in progress. So far the Acids, Snakes and Ranunculaceae family have been analysed. Features common to the group are given, followed by the specific symptoms of each drug of the family (usually rubrics which it shares with no other drug in that family). The rubrics are arranged in order of importance, not alphabetically, nor according to sections (mind, head etc.) Single symptoms for remedies are not presently included - obviously these are found in no other drug from the family. At a later point we might decide to include these too. For e.g. Nit-ac - "hatred, unmoved by apologies".

03/Sep/2019: There's a new section called "Drug Statistics" where we present a statistical analysis of Kent's repertory (3rd Ed). This shows the number of rubrics for each drugs in the repertory, including the most reliable (grade 2+3), the most important (mind + generalities) etc. There is also a section-wise analysis - how many "Ear" rubrics does Sulph, or Bell, or Mygal have etc. Please read the help for more info.

24/Apr/2019: Therapeutic Notes has been modified & updated.

22/Apr/2019: UniqSort now allows you to choose two or more drugs, so that you can see what is unique to each. There are symptoms which might be common to both drugs, for example, right sided headache - so this will not be a distinguishing factor. Knowing what is most distinctive of a drug helps in recognizing its true signature.

08/Mar/2019: We have made changes to the website in terms of colors and display, with a special focus on ease of use on mobile phones. The programs themselves remain the same and work as expected.
Help Videos therefore still remain the same, showing how the programs work. Over time, new videos will be created to reflect the new appearance.

19/Feb/2019: UniqSort is a program that sorts rubrics by their uniqueness and distinctiveness. Rubrics of a drug which are unique to it, shared with no other drug, are displayed at the top. This is followed by those rubrics it shares with 2, then 3, or more drugs. Within the unique sorted list, keynote (underlined) rubrics for the drug searched are displayed at the top, then grade 3, followed by grade 2, and lastly grade 1.

30/Nov/2018: Keynote Comparisons is a quick comparison of peculiar rubrics characteristic of one drug that are not so marked in the other drug being compared. So while Pulsatilla might have a/f grief, it is not a keynote for Puls, whereas it is the main keynote of Ignatia. If you tick the checkbox, then it finds rubrics in which one drug is a keynote, but the other drug is not present at all in Kent's Repertory. We have used Kent's Repertory (3rd Edition) with additions from Boger and Kunzli.

31/May/2018: After much hesitation, I have decided to modify Kent's Repertory 3rd Edition to include Vithoulkas' "Additions to Kent's repertory". I will also add from Kunzli's "Kent's Repertorium Generale" - the "Dots" which Kunzli used to indicate a confirmed indication for a drug. One cannot be too cautious in addition remedies to the repertory. However, while erring on the side of caution, I feel leaving out a remedy like Carcinosin with such clear cut indications and proven worth is a huge loss for patients. Therefore this decision. These additions will be entered over time and uploaded once in a week or so.

28/May/2018: KentRep Comparisons now has a search feature called Specificity. High specificity will look for rubrics in which at least one of the drugs being compared is in 3rd grade or is a keynote. This reduces the output, and makes the search faster. Medium Specificity includes all grades for both drugs, but only shows rubrics which have at least 3 starting words in common. Thus, "Mind, Anxiety" will not be displayed, but "Mind, Anxiety, Morning" will be. In the Low Specificity section, everything will be displayed - this is the most detailed view, but also takes the longest time to display.

10/Apr/2018: A detailed video help section has been added, demonstrating the use of all the programs on this site, such as how to use KentRep Search, PhaseRep etc.

15/Mar/2018: Therapeutic Notes contains useful indications for prescribing remedies in common conditions. More conditions will be added over time such as coryza, headache, vomiting, vertigo etc.

26/Jan/2018: In KentRep Search, we have added an "exclude drug" search... this makes it possible to contrast two drugs in yet another way. Let us assume you are deciding whether to give ignatia or nat-mur in a case. You can search for all Grade-3 Mind symptoms of Nat-mur in which Ignatia is NOT present. This feature complements KentRep Comparisons and Distinctions.

16/Jan/2018: KentRep Comparisons finds rubrics common to two drugs in Kent's Repertory and displays the differences in their subrubrics.

28/Nov/2017: You can now search Kent's Repertory, (3rd Edition) using a combination of words, and also select which grade rubrics you want displayed. While I find PhaseRep much better than standard repertories for repertorization, I always use other repertories for looking up specific, peculiar rubrics. Now that search can also be performed right here on this website.

29/Jun/2017: Distinctions will have a key for each drug at the top - these are not exact opposites, but the keynotes of each drug which serve to differentiate it from the other. This is work in progress, but the first examples of this change can be found in comparisons of Ign/Nat-m, Opium/Gels, Ars/Nux-v, Med/Thuj and Merc/Nit-ac.
Most of the work in the past year has been in additions to the Therapeutic quiz. I believe any student who spends even 15 minutes daily doing the quiz will become a good prescriber over time. The quiz not only reminds you of keynotes, but also makes you look at unusual presentations and combinations of symptoms - making you more aware of what to ask or observe when taking the case.

05/Nov/2016: Therapeutics Search allows searching the content of the Therapeutics Quiz. The search method is the same as Keynotes Search - please see the help file.

02/Aug/2016: A new Therapeutics Quiz has been added. It contains simple combinations of symptoms which should remind one of the drug given as the correct answer. Please see the FAQ for an important note about this quiz.

08/Jul/2016: A new PhaseRep for Fever has been added. It is to be used exactly as with the General PhaseRep.

22/May/2016: A new PhaseRep - repertorizing in multiple phases is now available for the chief complaint of Diarrhea. It is to be used exactly as with the General PhaseRep. This is an experiment in specific repertorial analysis. As always, the final prescription must be made only after a careful study in the materia medica to confirm the similimum. If found useful, we may create specific repertories for complaints of children & women, and also for common disease conditions like headache, asthma etc. PhaseRep - Diarrhea is still in early development, so please use it as an additional tool only, and not as a substitute for conventional repertories.

05/Apr/2016: The Quiz section has been modified to include therapeutics on various specific conditions like cough, diarrhea, fever etc. For example, the quiz on cough would ask: dry cough from violent exertion => ox-ac. The re-quiz feature has been introduced into the flash quiz as well, greatly enhancing the potential for learning. Only the student quiz now has multiple choice. The advanced quiz section now is merged into the "General" quiz. As always, as and when time permits, we will add more quizzes in the specific sections - vertigo, vomiting etc.

29/Feb/2016: There's a new version of HQR out on Google Play store that includes Beagle Materia Medica and updated data for all sections. There are also several new forms in Case Taking, both on the website and the app.

25/Jan/2016: A new app HQz is available on Google Play store. It is a quiz based on Allen's Keynotes (see the App page for more details). In addition, we have made a video demonstrating how to use PhaseRep on a mobile phone. You can also watch it on the PhaseRep Help page.

16/Dec/2015: Case Taking now includes suggested lines of questioning for specific conditions such as cough, diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. More conditions such as vertigo, sore-throat, dysmenorrhea, etc. will be included over time. This section also includes the therapeutic indications for some commonly indicated drugs for rapid reference.

11/Aug/2015: Beagle Materia Medica or just Beagle - is a new presentation of the homoeopathic materia medica. It is very much work in progress. Not only in terms of drugs to be added, but even the symptoms for the drugs already present here may be replaced, enhanced, removed etc. It is hoped that this way of representing the materia medica will make it easier to highlight the characteristics of a drug, and allow a quick comparison when matching drug to patient. See the FAQ for more information.
There is also a new article "Simple Ideas in Homoeopathy", that may provide some food for thought.

05/Jun/2015: The Student Quiz is based on H.C. Allen's Keynotes - you are presented with a choice of drugs, only one of which is correct. A keynote may partially apply to other drugs, but only one drug covers the entire keynote. For example, "measles and scarlatina when eruption does not appear; with pale or cold blue, hippocratic face; child will not be covered". The choices are bry, puls, dros, camph. While bry, puls and dros are known remedies for measles, and bry for eruptions not appearing etc., only camph covers the entire keynote perfectly. As in the Advanced Quiz, the Student Quiz maintains a record of incorrect answers and offers the option of a ReQuiz of only missed keynotes at the end.

30/Aug/2014: Distinctions has been updated with many new comparisons. Cann-s and Cann-i have been merged into Cann-i, and Crot-h and Crot-c have been merged into Crot-c. We would like to compare cann-i / cann-s with other drugs and once we conclude that cannabis is required, one can look up the materia medica for which of the two is best suited. So also with crotalus.

20/Aug/2014: Keynote Search is a program that searches Boericke, Phatak and Kent's repertory to give the most prominent drug for a rubric. For more information on how to use it, please look at the help page.

01/Aug/2014: In the cases section, clinical experience is now presented with individual details removed. Any data that might even by chance identify the individual - such as initials, profession etc. has been removed. The main clinical observations drawn from cases that have improved remarkably well, or seen to be common to several patients of the same remedy, are presented.

13/Jul/2014: There's a new article on "Acute Prescribing using PhaseRep".

06/Jul/2014: HQR, a free app for homeopathic physicians is now available for Android devices.

27/May/2014: In PhaseRep, a new feature is that you can add an acute symptom in the diagnosis textbox (first page of PhaseRep, where you enter Name, Sex, Age - just below Age), and it will focus the repertory on that condition.
For example, if you enter "vomiting" (without the quotes) in the diagnosis textbox, a number of special rubrics directly focusing on this condition will be triggered in the second phase of repertorization. Presently, this feature is implemented for --> fever, diarrhea, vomiting, cough and vertigo. Try it out by typing one of these in the diagnosis section (the page where you enter patient name etc.). You can select the same rubric (e.g., vomiting) in the repertorization as well.
The Materia Medica section is being considerably expanded. A new feature is that in the PhaseRep section at the end of repertorization, in addition to generalities, only symptoms specific to the case are shown for study. The Materia Medica section shows other symptoms which are characteristic of the drug, even if not relevant to the case. In PhaseRep, a select few rubrics have been added, and some earlier ones modified. For example, cr juices is now cr fruits, juices - and on selecting this rubric, specific fruits are shown in the second phase, such as cr oranges, cr bananas etc. Many more comparisons have been added to Distinctions, and Drug Relationships updated with smaller plant families, such as Iridaceae. MedInfo has been updated to include food sources of vitamins and minerals.

14/Sep/2013: The earlier section on Classification of Drugs has been converted into a broader section which includes both Classification as per scientific classes (e.g. plant families) and also homoeopathic relationships - Thuja & Medo. Moreover, drugs are hyperlinked for easy study. Additionally, some of the prominent features of the drugs are also included within the links for quick reference.

14/May/2013: The Quiz now has two forms - the classic format where you choose your answer, and a Flashcards based format which can be more convenient on smaller screens and tablets.

25/Apr/2013: The new Resources section has some documents I have created that can be downloaded and used as a reference or aid in clinical practice.

12/Apr/2013: The Quiz has been further improved. There is now an option to take a ReQuiz on the missed questions, which serves as a quick revision. Further, the interface has been organized so as to make moving to the next logical button simpler and faster, using the keyboard. Directions are given on the Quiz page itself. In Cases, my clinical experience with two more drugs, Anac and Opium, has been added. More comparisons have been added to the program Distinctions. Some repetitions have been removed, but much work remains to be done on this program.

23/Mar/2013: The format of the Quiz has been simplified. Now, you have one single question to which you can guess the answer, and get instant feedback (right/wrong) with the correct answer. As before the missed or incorrectly answered questions are all mentioned at the end of the quiz. The session has been set to 20 questions. In PhaseRep a few more rubrics have been added, and the repertory has been updated with a large number of rubrics in the confirmatory phase.

03/Jan/2013: A new page, "Classification of Homoeopathic Drugs" has been added to complement Distinctions.

01/Jan/2013: Distinctions has been updated to allow comparison of more than two drugs and display the results in a tabular format.

30/Dec/2012: There's a new Distinctions program that allows comparison of two drugs and presents the differences between the two. There's also a new article on "How not to use PhaseRep".

06/Sep/2012: The new MedInfo section contains information of use to doctors and patients.

18/Jul/2012: There are 2 new sections:
    (a) The Quiz - to help test and refresh your knowledge of some characteristics and keynotes of the Materia Medica.
    (b) The Articles section will include homeopathy-related articles and essays.

22/Jun/2012: There's a new section on clinical cases. More cases will be added regularly.

18/Apr/2012: The materia medica has not been the main focus so far, but it has been simplified and cleaned up, with duplicate entries/rubrics removed. More work ongoing.

10/Apr/2012: An example of repertorizing a case using PhaseRep has been added to the instructions page.

04/Apr/2012: The site is officially launched!